My DevRel Content Highlights
Table of Contents
TL;DR Highlights
- I wrote the blog and demo for the MQTT to Kafka feature announcement .
- My Video Walkthrough for the new AsyncAPI feature support announcement . The team had a tight deadline, meaning I had to record this over a weekend and couldn’t re-recorded it to add more polish.
- I completely revitalized the current Zilla documentation site . It started as a Gitbook site (wayback link ). I improved the content and reworked all of the demos and examples. I am proud of the MQTT broker product feature guide .
- I managed multiple product examples with a single startup script and E2E tests that run in a GitHub Action .
- Video Walkthrough for an AsyncAPI feature announcement
- Technical content video with Twitch Studio tutorial
- How I organize documentation .
- The Zilla docs I inherited when I started vs when I left .
- A product feature guide that I am proud of.
- How I organize examples .
- I managed multiple product examples with single startup script and E2E tests that run in a GitHub Action .
- Created Product Demos on GitHub that can easily be run locally with a Compose file. Vendor specific options can be set from the options passed into the startup script.
- I restarted and expanded the Ballerina Track .